On the road again!

Off to Toronto tomorrow for a meeting with my wonderful new publishers, Harlequin. I’ll be home for one day, then off again, this time to Tennessee, to hook up with Peggy Knight (My 32 Years in the House of Cash) and my long-lost cousin, Doris. If you hear a lot...

Peggy Knight’s Book

My friend Peggy’s book, “My 32 Years in the House of Cash”, will be available any day now. Okay, so it’s MOSTLY about John and June Cash, but there’s something about me in there, too! Can you believe it?

Poisoned Pen

I’ll be at the famous Poisoned Pen Book Store in Scottsdale at seven pm Monday night, the 18th. Stop by and say hello.

The new moon

You never know what to expect here! Today is the new moon. It’s a powerful time to make wishes. Write them down.

I met a soldier…

On the plane up to Washington State on Friday morning, I met a young soldier, on his way for a visit with his girlfriend before leaving for his second tour of duty in Iraq. He was well-mannered and quiet, just looking for a kind word. Whatever your opinions about the...

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