Visitors Expected!

It’s a beautiful spring day; reason enough to celebrate, right there! But there’s more!Debbie Macomber and her good husband Wayne will be visiting today, for the first time since I moved. Debbie and I have been close friends for more years than either of...

Lovely E-mails

Several wonderful women have written to thank me for offering non-traditional scholarships, and to that I say, You’re welcome, and Please Apply! The 2006 scholarship program will be launched soon, and all the information will be posted on the website. I cannot...

Computer Frustration

I have a love-hate relationship with this machine. It can do so many marvelous things. It can also drive me crazy.More tomorrow.

Spring Has Definitely Sprung!

I am dazzled by the beauty of a Washington spring–I had forgotten, during my long sojourn in the desert, how very lovely this clearly defined season can be.I have peonies to plant, and my cousin/housekeeper, Mary Ann, has already put in several lilac bushes. One...

Friday??? ALREADY???

I swear, this week went by so fast, it makes my head spin!I’ve written 80 pages of “McKettrick’s Pride” since Monday, and plan to hit the 100-page mark today. The story touches my heart in special ways, ways I’ve never really experienced...

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