The Dogs Insist!

I thought I could slip out to my lovely studio office to answer email and write this blog, but Sadie and Bernice had other ideas. So, it was back to the house to get them. Guess next time, I’ll just bring them out with me in the first place.I had a lovely, lazy...

You Have to be Smarter….

Than the polymer clay you’re working with. Yesterday, I used the wrong side of a blade, intending to slice clay, and sliced my finger instead. Nothing serious, but typing with a band-aid on is a little tricky! I have a newfound respect for tools–just glad...

At the Lake

The girls (Sadie and Bernice) and I are at the lake, in my wonderful studio office. The things with dogs is, if they’re in the house, they want to be out here, and vice versa. It is so peaceful here. This morning, as I sat journaling at my table and looking out...

Did I Say I Loved Mondays?

I do, normally. Even cold and foggy ones like this.I had a productive weekend. On Friday, I did a TV interview at the Northtown (Spokane) Barnes and Noble. For those of you who live within range, it will be shown on KHQ-6, in a segment called “Six...

In a World…

Where bad things happen to innocent people, it’s all too easy be afraid. Certainly, this most recent national tragedy is unspeakable. But if we forfeit our courage in the face of such evil, we serve the purposes of the perpetrator, not the victims. Let us mourn...

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