It Doesn’t Show Signs of Stopping…

And I’ve got some corn for popping. :)The snow is still coming down, obviously. A coyote just passed the fence–there he went again! (We interrupt this blog to make a flying trip downstairs and make sure all the dogs are inside.) I’m back–all...

And Still It SNOWS

Today, I’m in the middle of a big snow globe, and Somebody shook it! 🙂 Billions of tiny flakes, each one different! Beyond incredible.Writing to do today, and then crafting. I’m into resin jewelry right now–learning to put pictures into pendants. My...

Better Rename This Place…

And call it the Lazy L! I was up half the night, listening to “A Wanted Man” on CD, and didn’t even get to this blog until this unGodly hour. It isn’t as if I didn’t know how the book ends, for Pete’s sake, but I just kept putting...


The sun is just about to peek over the eastern hills, beyond the draw. I love this time of the morning, when things are still quiet. We’ve got snow, with more predicted, and I imagine the horses are starting to stir around out in the barn, looking for breakfast....

Push Up Sleeves Time!

As much as I love holidays, I’m always happy when they’re over and life returns to normal–as normal as it ever gets around here, anyway!I’m all fired up to work on the new book in earnest–this is Meg’s “kissin’...

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