The Early Bird…

Gets to let the dogs out, then in again, then make the coffee! I got up at four this morning, which is around my usual time–lately, though, I’ve been sleeping in till seven. :)The house is very quiet–Bernice is at my feet, and Sadie is snoring on the...

Steve Miller

Today I’m going to tell you about Steve Miller, a good friend and a very talented western artist.As you’ve no doubt noticed, we share the same last name. That’s because Steve is my ex-husband Rick’s first cousin. He lives in Montana, with his...

Even as We Speak…. is downloading a bunch of new books for my iPod. What an age we live in, to quote Maynard G. Krebbs. If you remember Krebbs, you are of a certain age.As I have probably mentioned before, I am the original gadget queen, despite my propensity for spending a...

Coming Home

Well, as you know if you’ve been following this blog, I had a fabulous time in California. All that sunshine and those china blue skies–and, even better, being with Wendy and Jeremy.It appears that the writer’s strike is almost at an end, and...

Sunday Morning

I’m out on the tiny balcony with Bailey, the grand-dog, watching the world go by.This particular morning, I saw a young man of undetermined INS status, black garbage bag slung over one shoulder, going for one recyling can to the next, with a special metal...

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