Eight Days of Breathing Free

I’m still slogging along, and for those of you out there cheering me on in my non-smoking campaign, thank you. I can feel the positive energy you’re sending my way.Actually, I’m surprised at how easy it has been. No heavy duty withdrawal symptoms. No...


I’m trying not to let the weather set my mood today. 🙂 It’s gray and gloomy and very wet as I look out my window over the draw. (I’m on my laptop, as my regular set up down in the new office is not up and running just yet.) Today I have a full week...

Missing Blogger Found!

Alive and well in Spokane, Washington!It’s as if Mercury has been in consant retrograde–traveling, writing, searching wildly for my ballot, having new photos taken. On and on. I’m waiting for things to settle down to a dull roar, but so far, it...

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