Taking Hold

The support emails that have been coming in since yesterday’s blog have really helped.Regarding smoking again, my brother Jerry said, “Remember, failure isn’t failure unless you don’t plan on trying again.” Isn’t that great?My...

I Promised…

That I would tell you the truth.I’m smoking again.As the song says, “Life ain’t easy for a boy named Sue.” And it’s not easy for the rest of us, either.Without making excuses, I can only say that due to a series of personal...

Merry Christmas

Here’s wishing each and every one of you the merriest, safest, most wonderful Christmas possible.Enjoy.

The Weather Outside is Frightful…

But it’s also beautiful.The other morning, I was writing away in my journal, here at the kitchen table, and caught a flurry of movement at the edge of my vision. Lo and behold, four of my horses dashed by, through the 18-inch snowfall, and they were a...

A Christmas Letter

I know a lot of people make jokes about the Christmas letters they receive, tucked inside a cheerful card, but I happen to love them. I like to read the story of that family’s year–the graduations, the trips, the accomplishments, the moves. The best ones...

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