Self-Talk and Other Ramblings

I’ve discussed affirmations on this blog before. Except for the one I told you about–good enough that it bears repeating, so I will at the bottom of this page–they don’t seem to work very well. Why is that?Like virtually everyone else in the...

Thursday Thoughts

I’m off to a slow start today–another one. I’m letting that be okay. I’ll quietly write my chapter and celebrate Sadie’s progress, (she’s celebrating her dog bed at the moment, worn out from yesterday’s exercise session), do a...

Saddled Up and Ready to Ride

Right now, part of the theme song from that old television show “Rawhide”, is running through my mind. You know the one, back when Clint Eastwood was a nobody? And those words are, “rollin’, rollin’, rollin”. That’s me! Ready...

A Boomer Remembers…

On this truly historic day, I cannot help remembering my sixties youth–I remember Selma, I remember a little girl, walking bravely into a classroom, surrounded by guards, such a tiny little thing, all spruced up for the first day of school, crossing not only a...

Sadie’s Big Adventure

The odyssey continues! Sadie lost 1.8 pounds last week. She is much more limber, like her old self, and very active. Today, she starts her second week of aquatics, and she even ate her special dog food without hesitation this morning. (Beagles can be very stubborn; at...

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