Good Morning!

I’m feeling restored on this sunny fall morning. Nothing like a little sunshine to raise my spirits.Plans for today–“working” on the new book (this shouldn’t really be called “work”)–maybe putting a few touches on some...

There’s a name for this kind of day…

Two of my favorite people, one my mother and one a long-dead writer, Gladys Tabor, who wrote wonderful books about a Connecticut farm called Stillmeadow, would call a rainy day like this one a “pencil-sharpening day”. 🙂 I love it.For me, it will be a...

Tap Dancing Again

Although I seem to have some kind of flu bug–no energy, coughing, aches and pains–I am feeling better about my life than I have in a long, long time.It’s one thing to create drama in my stories. It’s another to create drama in my life. My...

Shopping on Etsy and Other Indulgences

While I have yet to work up the courage to offer one of my own paintings for sale, I have a growing collection of what I would describe as folk art, most of which I find on Etsy, or by clicking to see who is following whoever is following me (sheesh, that was a...

A Great Time to be Me

I’m loving my life. True, it’s not what everybody would want–there’s a lot of stress and pressure, with so many critters and a payroll to meet. :)I love my daughter–she’s amazing. (The rest of the family, too, of course!)I love my...

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