More Fog

It’s like 19th century London in this city, but cleaner. 🙂 My mother reports catching a glimpse of the hem of a black cloak vanishing around the corner. (We are a fanciful bunch in my family.)My sister Sally commented on the Lincoln blog–she said she could...

What a Coincidence….

My sister Sally’s exact words, after reading yesterday’s blog. Turns out that she too is a winner in the Irish Lottery. What are the chances? ??? 🙂 Especially when we didn’t even buy a ticket. At least the Nigerians have given up trying to get me to...

What a World

As I emptied my junk mail folder a few minutes after logging on this morning and checking my email–watching various once-in-a-lifetime offers jiggle slightly and then fall away into cyberspace–I noticed in passing that I had won the Irish Lottery! Along...

February 12

This is the birthday of one of the people I admire most in all of time and eternity–Abraham Lincoln. If I could meet anyone, from any time in history, after Jesus, I would choose Old Abe.Abe was a man of humor, commitment, and incredible intelligence.A man of...

Hair Yesterday, Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow

I’m postponing my appointment for a color and a cut to work on the new chapter. My hair, while definitely not fabulous, is…passable. (And let’s face it, it’s never really fabulous.)With “Tate”, the good news just keeps on coming....

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