The One Where Linda Prays for a Woodpecker

OK, so you all know that Woodie (Woodena?) Woodpecker has been driving me crazy for days, right?  Lately, as my quick-witted mother would say, it’s been a short drive.  Woodena seemed determined to build her nest inside the metal chimney (whatever happened to...

A Productive Monday!

Even though I had to pick up my meds–this is something I THOUGHT I had to do personally but, thank heaven, I was wrong–I got some writing done! Back home, I went straight into my wonderful new office and finished a chapter !  Yeehaw!  I’m loving this...

The Case of the Vanishing Week

They say time flies when you’re having fun–well, it ALSO flies when you’re coping with minor health issues and Murphy’s Law Unchained.  🙂  We are still enjoying fantastic weather, and as I write this, in my new office, I can look out and see...

And the beat goes on….

I seem to be in the mood to quote songs today. It is SO beautiful and sunny out, and the tulips and daffodils are frolicking in celebration.  Yorkie-Bernice got a much needed bath, since it’s warm outside, and this morning,  Larry the Canadian Wrangler found a...

Where do the mermaids stand?

Today’s blog title comes from a story told by Robert Fulghum, the author of “Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten”, and I think a lot of us may identify with it.  It seems Mr. Fulghum and some assistants were casting a Christmas...

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