My sisters Sally and Pam and I spent yesterday and last night here at the lake house, following the family reunion in Colville this weekend. We have had a marvelous time. We hit Walmart and Michael’s, two of our favorite places, and had dinner at the Outback. After that, Pam, the polymer clay maven, showed me how to make some cool canes. While Sally sewed–she’s not into clay, but can she sew!–I watched Pam work with an eagle eye. I did a background for a collage I’ve had in mind for a while–that’s the hard part, waiting for that paint to cure so I can glue stuff on! When we get together to do something fun, we call it a Sisterly–a tradition started by our aunts.
On a more serious note, little Molly, the granddaughter of a good friend, is having surgery today. Please pray for this tiny spirit, not even a month old, trying so hard to live.
Sadie’s gimpy, so she’s going to the vet at four this afternoon. I’d appreciate prayers for her, too. I don’t think it’s serious, but she’s not putting much weight on her hind leg.
It’s a day for asking for prayers, I guess. Just heard my right-hand man, Chris, sent his wife to the hospital by ambulance this morning. He has to stay home, because he has a 91 year old mother in law with Alzheimer’s, and she can’t be left alone. Initial reports are that Bernadette is suffering from kidney stones.
Hoping for good news on all these fronts.