As much as I love holidays, I’m always happy when they’re over and life returns to normal–as normal as it ever gets around here, anyway!
I’m all fired up to work on the new book in earnest–this is Meg’s “kissin’ cousin”, briefly met at the end of “The McKettrick Way”. So this is the start of the new Montana Creeds series, Book 1: “Logan’s Return.”
I’m big on audio books, so I’ve been listening a lot lately–mostly research stuff for the Civil War books, but I confess I love to listen to my own stories, read back to me. I’m listening to “A Wanted Man”, currently, and recently downloaded “McKettrick’s Luck” from I seriously enjoyed the story, and the way the reader performed, but there were a couple of iffy reviews on there, too. Got to admit, that bummed me a little. How can anybody NOT like Jesse McKettrick? You’d have to have anti-freeze in your blood.
OK, enough sour grapes. Writers hate such reviews–it’s as if somebody told you your baby was ugly. 🙂
I’d better push up those sleeves now–but I’ll have to dress first. Just between you and me, I’m still in my bathrobe.