Times are tough out there, but we can DO this.
Collectively, we are the descendents of great people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and many more. As a student of American history, I can tell you that we have faced much, much greater problems than we do today. The American Revolution was quite literally impossible, but here we are, primarily because General George Washington simply wouldn’t quit. He and the American people finally wore down the greatest and best equipped army on earth. During Lincoln’s administration, the country was torn into two bloody hunks, and the situation was all but hopeless. The world watched, expecting the Great Experiment to collapse, and the odds were certainly with that judgment. But Mr. Lincoln said, in effect, “Not on my watch”. He held the line, in spite of deep personal suffering.
At one time, people of color could not ride in the front of buses or drink from public water fountains. We needed a reminder of our own creed: All men (and women) are created equal. Martin Luther King and other advocates of peaceful revolution and reason woke us up.
Today, we face many challenges.
We have to tough up, big-time. That’s undeniably true.
But I think we can come out of this bigger and better than ever.
In short, WE CAN DO THIS.