I can hear the rare Santa Monica rain pattering on the roof top as I write this. I’m at Wendy and Jeremy’s place, having spent Christmas with them, and I slept in the loft room.
I feel completely restored–no trace of the pleurisy, thank heaven. We opted out on the planned trip to Disneyland and just took everything pretty easy.
Christmas was lovely. I did receive gifts–my daughter knows me and therefore picks amazing gifts. The best of all, though, was a donation to an organization digging wells in places all over the world, where the water isn’t good.
I fly out in a few hours. I’m ready to get home, see my critters and the crew, and get back in harness. Those mother-daughter writing sessions I mentioned, as you might have guessed, didn’t materialize. Wendy just finished with three projects that were all on very tight deadlines, and she was tired. We did hit a wonderful craft store, went out for delicious Mexican food and to our perennial favorite, the Galley in Santa Monica. We watched movies and caught up on everything, and it was all so great.
I am still dazzled by one of those movies, “True Grit”. As a die-hard John Wayne fan, I was skeptical that anyone, even Jeff Bridges, could pull off a remake of a classic like that one. Well, he did. He WAS Rooster Cogburn, come to life, and the other actors blew me away as well. Especially the actress who played Matty Ross. WOW. If you love a good Western, as I do, see this one. It’s GREAT.
So that’s the news from Wendy and Jeremy’s guest room.
Tomorrow, good Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise, I’ll be back at my kitchen table, blogging away.
Hope you’ll join me.