Winners, the cold from hell, and how I spent my weekend

Monday, Nov 17

First, the winners.  Gwyn Beams and Janet Clark, come on down!  🙂  If you aren’t Gwyn or Janet, do not despair–all you need to do is comment and you’ll be entered in the new contest, which begins now.  (Yes, at this very moment.)  Make a comment and, presto, you’re in.  We do this every week, so be persistent.
Not to complain or anything–brace yourself, obviously I’m fixin’ to complain–I have been under the weather since Friday, and if anything, the bug is worse today.  This after staying home all weekend, except for a brief foray for groceries and craft supplies, both vital to my wellbeing, taking Dayquil, shuffling around the house in slippers, a ratty robe and bed-hair, periodically smearing myself with Vicks Vapor Rub, and listening to favorite podcasts.  (Currently, those are: “Half Size Me”, a very good program about weight loss and maintenance and healthy living in general, “The Unmistakable Creative”, “Tips of the Scale”, “The One You Feed”, an inspirational podcast based on the black wolf/white wolf fable*, “The Moth”, a perennial favorite, “The Paranormal Podcast”, and “Real Ghost Stories Online”.)
I had big plans to watch a movie–“Malificent”, from the Disney people–and read actual books, but it didn’t happen.  Focusing is a challenge for me anyway, and with a cold, it’s SO not gonna happen.
There’s chicken soup from Safeway’s deli in my fridge, and I think it’s calling my name.  🙂  According to Mary Ann, cousin and trail boss, it’s delicious stuff, with amazing curative powers.
We’ll see.
*If ten of you ask about the black wolf/white wolf story, I’ll recount it on tomorrow’s blog.

About Linda

The daughter of a town marshal, Linda Lael Miller is a #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than 100 historical and contemporary novels, most of which reflect her love of the West.

Raised in Northport, Washington, Linda pursued her wanderlust, living in London and Arizona and traveling the world before returning to the state of her birth to settle down on a horse property outside Spokane.

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