There’s been a change in my schedule for my visit to Phoenix. I won’t be signing at the shelter this time, because of the Superbowl. Instead, I’ll be at the Desert Ridge Barnes and Noble at seven pm this Friday, the 2nd.
“McKettrick’s Luck” is off to a great start! The very first day the book was on the stands–yesterday–and large reorder came in from a major wholesaler.
Busy day around here today. The well for the barn is being dug, and more furniture will be delivered. I’ve got packing to do for the Phoenix jaunt–load up those fancy western jackets and the fabulous jewelry I bought at Cowboy Christmas!
Those of you who live in the Spokane area, aka the Inland Northwest, will want to watch the Spokesman-Review for an article about me, coming soon.
Wait a second. Is that Jesse McKettrick’s truck I hear roaring up the driveway????