Miscellaneous Monday
I just goofed off all weekend, and wow, was it fun.I painted. I read. I took naps. I shopped for food and actually cooked some of it for myself, not just the dogs. 🙂 I even won a few nickels at the casino, on a game called Hot Shots.Now, I'm ready for the new...
The Book is Done!
At last, "At Home in Stone Creek" is finished. My feelings are bittersweet--on the one hand, I'm relieved. Now I can move on to the next trilogy, The Texas McKettricks. On the other, there is some letting-go involved here, as I always become very attached to my...
Minor Miracles
Another early morning, though not quite SO early as yesterday! (I made it all the way to 4 a.m., which is sleeping in for me.)I had two appointments scheduled yesterday, and usually when I have to go out, my concentration is so scattered that I don't get much written....
Return of the Wandering Blogger
Early (and I mean EARLY) Monday morning, I picked my mom up, and we drove to Ellensburg, WA, where my brother Jerry had arranged a signing at Jerrol's Book Store and an evening tea thrown by the local Friends of the Library. I gave a speech and answered questions, and...
The Visit
My friend Jean and I had a wonderful time out at the lake, chatting and just generally catching each other up on our busy lives. Even with a deadline looming, this was exactly what I needed. We ate light meals, drank wine, read books, and talked ourselves blue in the...
I woke up to falling snow--on the 14th of April!It's so ridiculous, it's funny. I have decided not to have a breakdown this time. :)My friend Jean is in town for a brief visit, and we're heading out to the lake later. As I'm on a very tight deadline, I'll be stealing...
Early to Rise
I broke all the getting-up-early records today--2:30 am! I'm so eager to get back to "At Home in Stone Creek", the current work in progress, that my eyes wouldn't stay shut. I've already fed the dogs (they had the good sense to go back to sleep after chowing down on...
Easter Greetings
On this Good Friday, I wish you and yours the most joyous and holy of holidays. Some of you are celebrating Passover; may you be blessed by the reminder of God's neverending care.There's a lot to worry about in this crazy world, but Easter is a reminder, as is...
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch…
I'm home, and some the worse for wear, but loving the bright sunshine and warm weather awaiting me. Sadie lost a whole pound while I was gone, and wasn't home from exercise class when I arrived, so Bernice was able to get all that joy out of her system right away. :)...
🙂 The Things I Forgot to Tell You
"Tyler" is #1 at Wal-mart--thanks to all of you!And, after being contacted by a reader, I've decided to do an ATC (artist trading card) swap.The rules are simple. Nothing gross. 🙂 The cards must be 2 1/2 by 3 1/2, but otherwise, go crazy. Make a card (only one, at...
There was lots of it yesterday--serendipity, I mean--just those little things the angels like to do to let you know they're around. For instance, a few days ago, I mentioned to Wendy that I attended an Esteban concert in Phoenix soon after September 11, and that he'd...
The Exploration Continues
Our first full day in Austin was great! Wendy and Jenni slept in--they'd been up most of the night catching up, since they hadn't seen each other in a while--but Mary Ann and I were ready to hit the trail. We grabbed some of the free breakfast served here at the hotel...