Wild Turkey Friday
No, I'm not planning to drink whiskey!We have a flock of wild turkeys in these here parts, and they go trundling past the fence every so often. They are huge! Did you know that Ben Franklin suggested the turkey as the national bird? He thought them far worthier of the...
Fog Blog
Beyond the backyard fence this morning, there is nothing but a solid white wall with a few vague tree-shapes etched in. It's delightfully spooky--and it makes me glad, once again, that I don't have to commute. :)I started "At Home in Stone Creek" yesterday, in...
Beagle Raids
Sadie is redoubling her efforts to get back on the Gravy Train--now that she's more agile, she comes downstairs in the night and barks--trying to levitate whatever food is on the counter, I suppose. 🙂 She opens the door under the sink and tips over the garbage--to...
My Weekend
I spent much of Saturday with my mom--we had lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Tomato Street, here in Spokane. We raided Walmart, and Mom got two new pairs of shoes at SAS. I met several of her friends, too. All in all, it was a fine Valentine's Day! Came home...
The sky has been overcast here in Spokane ever since I got home from my tour on the 8th. This morning, the good ole sun is out full force and all I've got to say about that is: YEEHAW!!Sadie has her swimming lesson today--being all beagle, she has a short coat, so I...
“Old” Dog Learns “New” Trick
First, this just in: "The Montana Creeds: Logan" is holding steady! #4 on the New York Times bestseller list. Yee-haw!!!With that passed on to the people who made it possible--THANK YOU--I'll explain the title of this blog, quotation marks and all.Of course, the Old...
Hit the Ground Runnin’
That's the order of the day for THIS cowgirl, anyhow. Lots to do today, starting with Sadie-beagle's swimming lesson and pickin' up speed from there!More bestseller news about "Logan". It's Number 1 on the Publisher's Weekly list!!! I am over the moon about...
The Turtle Wins
Sadie is down another 4 ounces, for a total of about 5 pounds. Yes, progress is measured in ounces--but we're headed in the right direction. This process of getting my beagle-dog back on track has been almost as good for me as it is for Sadie--I tend to be a quantum...
The Writer at Home
It is a normal Monday morning--Sadie will soon be headed for her "swimming lesson", and I'll be making routine phone calls and doing the preliminary work on a new book, "At Home in Stone Creek", a Silhouette Special Edition starring Ashley O'Ballivan and the mystery...
No Place Like Home
Be it ever so humble, which, of course, it isn't, really. 🙂 The crew has been working hard, getting the office and studio in shape. Have I ever mentioned that I've got the best bunch of ranch hands in the business?The sun has only been up for a little while, so I...
Leaving San Antonio
I arrived in San Antonio on Thursday evening--but my suitcase didn't. It was already too late to shop for emergency supplies, so I ordered a room service dinner and crashed. I expected to be awakened at any time with the news that my wandering bag had found its way to...
Catching Up…I Hope
I'm writing this at Gate 11 in the airport in Colorado Springs. On to San Antonio in a little while--the last city on an amazing tour. Since arriving in CO Springs, I've been so busy I didn't get around to going online. When I finally had time, I was too pooped from...