Greetings from….
The coffee shop at Cheyenne Regional Airport!Gosh, I'm sorry to be leaving this windy, snowy town. I made some new friends here, and felt right at home. Joanne Kennedy was my able escort, getting me to the TV station by 6 o'clock yesterday morning! Later, we stopped...
The Finish Line!
It's still dark, but I just finished "A Creed Country Christmas" and sent it off to my editor via email. Phew! I'll be leaving for the airport in a little under two hours, and I haven't packed a thing, so this is going to be short.First stop, Cheyenne, Wyoming. I hear...
On the Road Again…Almost
Tomorrow, two big things will happen in my life. #1) "The Montana Creeds: Logan", hits the bookstores. #2) I leave for my tour. First stop, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Yee-haw, open this chute, boys, I'm ready to ride!Sadie continues to be our very own Biggest Loser. The...
Self-Talk and Other Ramblings
I've discussed affirmations on this blog before. Except for the one I told you about--good enough that it bears repeating, so I will at the bottom of this page--they don't seem to work very well. Why is that?Like virtually everyone else in the known universe, I both...
Thursday Thoughts
I'm off to a slow start today--another one. I'm letting that be okay. I'll quietly write my chapter and celebrate Sadie's progress, (she's celebrating her dog bed at the moment, worn out from yesterday's exercise session), do a little art work, and call it good.I...
Saddled Up and Ready to Ride
Right now, part of the theme song from that old television show "Rawhide", is running through my mind. You know the one, back when Clint Eastwood was a nobody? And those words are, "rollin', rollin', rollin". That's me! Ready to roll.I'm leaving on a five-city tour...
A Boomer Remembers…
On this truly historic day, I cannot help remembering my sixties youth--I remember Selma, I remember a little girl, walking bravely into a classroom, surrounded by guards, such a tiny little thing, all spruced up for the first day of school, crossing not only a...
Sadie’s Big Adventure
The odyssey continues! Sadie lost 1.8 pounds last week. She is much more limber, like her old self, and very active. Today, she starts her second week of aquatics, and she even ate her special dog food without hesitation this morning. (Beagles can be very stubborn; at...
My Favorite Affirmation
Years ago, I discovered an affirmation in one of Norman Vincent Peale's books, and it transformed my life in so many ways. Of course, since it worked so well, I stopped doing it, and even forgot it.During the recent meltdown, I remembered it, and started using it...
New Hair, New Me
I'm late blogging today because I had a badly-needed hair appointment. My hair practically qualified as a federal disaster area, since I missed last month's visit due to rodeo, snow, and a personal Chernobyl. (I called the Transition White House to ask for government...
The Sadie Run
Today is Sadie's swimming/therapy day, and for the first week, until she's used to the drill, I go along to drop her off and pick her up again, which is why I'm so late writing this blog. I know, excuses, excuses! I continue to enjoy the respite from the snow--it's...
Fresh Starts
Good things come out of my journaling, as I've mentioned often on this blog. Today, I asked myself what it would be like to be a woman with no past. Not an amnesiac, of course--that isn't what I mean. I'm talking about REALLY letting the past go, not carrying all the...