What Snow?
I promised myself I wouldn't mention it. :)I was so full of great plans for yesterday. Here's what actually happened: I hit the wall. Took a hot bath, smeared myself with Vicks (smells like love), put my pajamas right back on, and crawled into bed. I slept and slept....
You're probably getting bored with snow blogs. Still coming down, and a heap expected tomorrow. I sure am grateful that I work at home!It's summer in the book I'm writing--thank heavens. When I write, I'm right there with the characters, in the thick of things. This...
It Doesn’t Show Signs of Stopping…
And I've got some corn for popping. :)The snow is still coming down, obviously. A coyote just passed the fence--there he went again! (We interrupt this blog to make a flying trip downstairs and make sure all the dogs are inside.) I'm back--all dogs and cats present...
And Still It SNOWS
Today, I'm in the middle of a big snow globe, and Somebody shook it! 🙂 Billions of tiny flakes, each one different! Beyond incredible.Writing to do today, and then crafting. I'm into resin jewelry right now--learning to put pictures into pendants. My favorite is the...
Better Rename This Place…
And call it the Lazy L! I was up half the night, listening to "A Wanted Man" on CD, and didn't even get to this blog until this unGodly hour. It isn't as if I didn't know how the book ends, for Pete's sake, but I just kept putting in another CD and pushing the 'play'...
The sun is just about to peek over the eastern hills, beyond the draw. I love this time of the morning, when things are still quiet. We've got snow, with more predicted, and I imagine the horses are starting to stir around out in the barn, looking for breakfast. Sadie...
Push Up Sleeves Time!
As much as I love holidays, I'm always happy when they're over and life returns to normal--as normal as it ever gets around here, anyway!I'm all fired up to work on the new book in earnest--this is Meg's "kissin' cousin", briefly met at the end of "The McKettrick...
Good-bye 07, Hello 08!
My New Year's Eve went pretty much as I predicted, though I was up at midnight, with the family, watching the famous ball drop in Times Square. I didn't expect to be moved by the sight, but I was. All these people, thousands of them, crowded into a few square blocks,...
My Kind of New Year’s Eve
The quiet kind!Tonight, I'll be dressed for a party--in pajamas. Guests include my dogs and cats. Refreshments: one cup of eggnog. For me, New Year's is a reflective time. I like to think about goals for the coming year, and consider all the blessings and challenges...
I don't normally blog on Sundays, as most of you know. Today, though, I received an email from a reader named Shirley. She's thirty, and her husband, Jim, is dying of brain cancer. I was struck to the heart by her bravery--she said she likes to read my blog because it...
Still MORE snow
I guess the charm of all this snow could wear off--sometime. :)For now, it seems magical, maybe because I'm one of those lucky people who don't commute by automobile. Just a hike to the barn, that's all I need to worry about at present.I was keying in some changes to...
The Badge, the Goat, and the Coffee Cup
My good friend, Debbie Macomber, gave me a terrific gift this year--a U.S. Marshal's badge. (My dad was a town marshal--very different from the U.S. variety) I thought it was a very good replica, but I should have known better. When I emailed Deb to thank her for this...