And the Rains Came….
The draw is damp and misty this morning, the sky full of watercolor-gray clouds. I saw a few flashes of lightning at bedtime, and opened the blinds so I wouldn't miss the show, if there was one. Then I conked out anyhow!Sadie and Bernice are still in bed, just across...
The Homecoming
As much as I love to travel, I agree with Dorothy--there's no place like home. The dogs met me with exuberant delight--Sadie got so excited she had to run and stick her head under the mattress in her dog bed! Bernice is sticking to my heels like a wad of gum.There are...
Going Home Day
I am very eager to go home and see the critters again. Oh, yeah. And the people, too!Yesterday, Jen and I were living high on the hog. We had a driver to take us from mall to mall, so we revisited Northpark, then went on to the Galleria. I spent a fortune at Sephora,...
Boots and Bubble Bath
Yesterday, I slept in big time. I didn't even open my eyes until almost 10:30, which, for me, is the middle of the day! It's around 8:30 now, and I'm working on a bowl of room service oatmeal as we speak.Niece/assistant Jen and I trekked off to Dallas's West End...
Last Night
First, I'll tell you I didn't win for "Deadly Gamble". As I told you, the competition was fierce. The award went to Annie Solomen for a book called "Blackout", and I'm sure she deserves it to the max. My sincere congratulations to her and to her proud publishers.What...
Yesterday was certainly a whirl! It all culminated at Harlequin's special party, held in the ballroom of the elegant Fairmont Hotel. Everyone went glam, dressed to the proverbial nines! Again, I had a car and driver--those HQN people are seriously good to me! I'm not...
Still in the Big D
I did an interview for Romance TV.com yesterday, and it was a lot of fun. We'll put up a link when the time comes, but you might want to check out the site if you haven't heard of it before. I'll be on MySpace and Gather.com soon, and you will be able to ask questions...
Dateline: Dallas
The fun continues here at the big Romance Writers of America conference in Dallas. Last night was our big Literacy Signing--every year, publishers donate piles of books, and the published authors at RWA attend the autographing to end all autographings. The proceeds go...
I Did It!
I'm actually blogging from my excellent if messy hotel room in beautiful downtown Dallas!Yea! Perhaps there is hope for me in this technological world after all.The flight was problem free, partly because I was in first class between Seattle and Dallas, and a driver...
My Surprise
I came home from the casino yesterday--don't ask how it went, I'm traumatized--and I got a fabulous surprise. During my absence, my brother Jerry had delivered my new mare, April. She was safely ensconced in her stall, munching hay.What a beauty she is. A registered...
They’re Home!!!!!!
Buck, Skye, Banjo and Coco are HOME, at long, long last. They've loving their big new pasture, running and rolling--no interest at all in the fancy barn. (Yet.) Or in me, actually. But, hey. They're busy being horses.Life as it should be. What a joy it is to see them,...
Watchin’ the Road
Today's the day.Maybe.The horses are supposed to come home, after nearly two long years at boarding school.I hope they remember me.Off to watch the road....