I Believe…
That one night, two thousand years ago, a Great Light penetrated the darkness of sin and suffering and sorrow, and changed the fate of humankind forever.That Jesus of Nazareth was and is this Light, and that all who turn to Him and speak an invitation will be...
Sunday Blog
I would have written a blog on Friday, but the power was off due to a big wind storm. I did the only sensible thing and hied myself to the casino, where there was light, warmth, and action. The whole experience got me to thinking about how many things I take for...
Up Before the Chickens
Yikes. I woke up this morning, thinking it was around six a.m., went downstairs with the dogs, then put the coffee on to brew. It was chortling away before I glanced at the clock and saw the real time--2:25! I thought about going back to bed, but by then, I was wide...
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…
All found at Cowboy Christmas, in Las Vegas.www.vintagerevival.comThe most beautiful western jewelry I have ever seen! It's made, with love, from pieces of old china. The piece I bought is literally a work of art. Look for at least one piece from this collection to...
Cowboy Christmas
I got back from my short vacation in Vegas a day late, which is why I didn't get the promised Monday blog written. When we arrived at the airport, there were at least 2000 people in the security line, but the crowd management was efficient, and we got through pretty...
Time for One More Blog
I'm ready to go out the door, so I decided to take one more opportunity to write.The sunrise is lovely, we still have snow on the ground, and just a little while ago, I saw a lone coyote trotting by at the top of the draw. The wild turkeys have taken to the trees--I...
I just checked the calendar for the year of my birth.Turns out, I'm Friday's child, not Wednesday's!Now I have the rethink the whole thing, darn it.
I've always liked Wednesdays. They're not hectic, like Mondays, mundane, like Tuesdays and Thursdays, or oh-the-heck-with-it-it's-almost-the-weekend, like Fridays. I was born on a Wednesday, so maybe that's why I like them. Wednesday's child, that's me.What's special...
Tis the Season
For buying presents?For decorating trees?For sending cards?Baking fruitcakes? (Okay, I know that one's a stretch. Who has time for such an enterprise in this day and age?)All these things are fine, but they do tend to obscure the Reason for the Season, don't...
My beautiful daughter, Wendy is offically engaged to a wonderful man named Jeremy. He proposed at sunset, on an ocean beach. Is that romantic, or what????
As I write this, looking out over the draw from the bay windows, I am again struck by the beauty of snow. The trees are all dappled with it, and there is a low-lying fog, promising more white stuff. It's cold and the roads are icy, but it's a stay-at-home day for me,...
Delay–Or Process?
I am an impatient person. It is one of my flaws, and I have all too many of those.I just hate to wait. Hope deferred, as the Bible says, makes the heart sick.Don't think I'm not grateful--I have been blessed with a career I love, and all the benefits that come with...