I should be journaling….
Instead, I'm sitting at my kitchen table, with my laptop and my coffee, writing this blog. I've just gotten wireless service, as I mentioned, and I am much enamored with the portability of the whole thing!We had one heck of a thunderstorm last night, and this morning,...
Better Every Day
Life just gets better every day. Even when it's messy.Go figure.It's a paradox. What I think is bad so often turns out to be good, at least in the long run, but what's good is always good.How can you lose with a deal like that?What I'm listening to: Karen Taylor-Good....
Back from Reno!
I got back last night from the Romance Writers of America conference in Reno. Were the dogs ever glad to see me--and I was even more glad to see them! I hung out on the periphery of the conference this year, just to get some perspective. Connected with old friends,...
I just got wireless, so I'm sending one last blog before I head out for Reno to gamble, party with friends, and practice being a bad girl!When I get home, I'll be doing one of my very favorite things--starting a new book! The working title is "Dead-Central", and it's...
Do you have boundaries?Mine sometimes seem to be made of jelly. It's still a struggle for me.When is enough ENOUGH?For me, with a certain issue, and with which I will not bore you further, it is TODAY.I'm tired of tap-dancing on the decks of the Good Ship...
Invisibility Cloaks
Harry Potter's invisibility cloak comes in handy. Certainly, no young wizard should be without one. How else to spy on Professor Snape and Draco Malfoy? How else to prowl the halls of Hogwarts on a vital mission?For the rest of us, though, I think invisibility cloaks...
Dragons Four through 999,000
There are, of course, a great many more dragons lined up outside the door of our cozy little mental cottage, and dealing with them will take a lifetime. Let's agree--remember, I am no further ahead on this journey than you are--to greet these visitors one at a time....
Dragon Three
BLAME.I really didn't want to let this one into my cozy little mental cottage at all. I just got through picking up all the wadded tissues from Victim's visit, and now this.Blame is an angry dragon, first cousin to Victim, and she does breathe fire. The walls are...
Dragon Two
Dragon Two said, when I invited her in for tea, "My name is Victim." She cries a lot, and sheds wadded tissues like--well, dragon scales. Things just always went wrong for poor Victim.Her childhood was rough. When young dragons chose up sides for games, she was among...
Dragon One
Thy name is ENTITLEMENT.(Please note: I am on this journey with you. I'm not out there ahead someplace, I'm teaching what I need to learn.)And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.Here's what the first dragon has to say:We have been spoiled in this great,...
Take tea with dragons
Okay, so I promised to tell you what to do with the list of 20 you made yesterday. (You DID make it, didn't you? And you ARE writing those morning pages?)Now, cross off the dumb stuff.Make a new list of 20 things you can appreciate.Come on, you can do it. Don't tell...
My middle name
I was born Linda Lee Lael.I imagine the angels chuckled at that, and would have suggested another name entirely.Try: Linda RESISTANCE Lael.I've been a scrapper, all my life. (During my Athena period, that was all right. We need to be warrior goddesses for a while, so...