blogs & news

Details, Details!

There are so many details to take care of before I leave on my much-anticipated trip to Spain. I need a to-do list for all my to-do lists!Of course arrangements had to be made for the care of the dogs and cats. Check.My hair is in desperate need of attention....

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Reminder, etc.

First of all, the much anticipated Spokane, Washington weather report. Sunshine and clear skies. Yeehaw!!!The big contest over at is about to close, so I hope you've entered for your chance to win $10,000 and/or a trip to Las Vegas,...

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Go Figure

Woke up to rain and a heavy, gloomy sky, but now the sun is peeking through in brilliant flashes of light. Good writing weather, either way.Last week, "Tate" was #18 on the New York Times list, this week, it bounced back up to #12. This has been one wild, wonderful...

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Yep, it’s February all right!

Snow! Yesterday, the weather was glorious, summer-bright. This morning, when Sadie-beagle and I made our normal trek to the backyard, the flakes were coming down fast and furious. She was feeling a little off, so I picked some grass for her and she nibbled a few bites...

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This Can’t Be February!

It is beyond beautiful outside, bright as June. What a (welcome) change from last year!I admit to a case of cabin fever--that's why I bought the seed packets I mentioned yesterday--but I'm on the homestretch with the new book, and sunshine makes it easier to write.I...

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The view from my kitchen table is so bright on this lovely February morning that I had to adjust the blinds in order to see the screen of this laptop. Yesterday, at the grocery store, I happened upon a HUGE rack of seeds--various herbs, my beloved zinnias, a mix of...

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And That’s the News…

Sunshine! Honestly, it is so beautiful here in Spokane that I want to dig holes in the dirt and plant things. I won't, of course, because it's still only February, after all, though you wouldn't know it by looking out my windows. In fact, the sun is SO bright that I...

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More Fog

It's like 19th century London in this city, but cleaner. 🙂 My mother reports catching a glimpse of the hem of a black cloak vanishing around the corner. (We are a fanciful bunch in my family.)My sister Sally commented on the Lincoln blog--she said she could picture...

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What a Coincidence….

My sister Sally's exact words, after reading yesterday's blog. Turns out that she too is a winner in the Irish Lottery. What are the chances? ??? 🙂 Especially when we didn't even buy a ticket. At least the Nigerians have given up trying to get me to let them transfer...

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What a World

As I emptied my junk mail folder a few minutes after logging on this morning and checking my email--watching various once-in-a-lifetime offers jiggle slightly and then fall away into cyberspace--I noticed in passing that I had won the Irish Lottery! Along with this...

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February 12

This is the birthday of one of the people I admire most in all of time and eternity--Abraham Lincoln. If I could meet anyone, from any time in history, after Jesus, I would choose Old Abe.Abe was a man of humor, commitment, and incredible intelligence.A man of honor,...

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Hair Yesterday, Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow

I'm postponing my appointment for a color and a cut to work on the new chapter. My hair, while definitely not fabulous, is...passable. (And let's face it, it's never really fabulous.)With "Tate", the good news just keeps on coming. Last week it was #5 on the New York...

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