The morning was sunny–thank heaven. The clouds are rolling back in, though. I keep telling myself we need the water, but the constant gray skies get me down.
Buck is still hanging in there–up and around, and eating well. All your prayers are helping for sure! Bernice, the Yorkie, sprouted an abcessed tooth and is spending the day at our veterinarian’s office. I’ll sure be glad to go and pick her up this afternoon, poor baby. Sadie is at loose ends, wondering where her sidekick is.
I apologize for the gaps in the blog–just life happening while I’m making other plans, as John Lennon used to say. I’ll be traveling to Toronto on Monday, and will blog from the hotel if I can. Home again on Wednesday evening.
We’re making some progress on the new office and new computer. Those folks at Microsoft–as soon as I learn one of their programs, they get a new one. I’ve been scouring a lot of “Dummies” books lately. 🙂
Still not smoking. I’m not going back, either. It’s not that I’m noble. I just don’t want to go through it again….