What happens in Vegas…

stays on Facebook, according to a t-shirt I saw on my recent trip.  🙂  Vegas does seem to cast some kind of spell over a person–I ended up getting my ears re-pierced, and I actually considered a tattoo.  (A small one.)  Whatever my beliefs...

Home on the Range

Yorkie Bernice has been a little gimpy since the weather turned cold, so we hauled her to the vet yesterday.  (Fortunately, at 12 pounds, she’s an easy-loader.)  She’s on medicine and lo and behold, she’s already better, which is a weight...

Home Alone

Except, of course, for the three fur faces.  Bernice the Yorkie threw a one-dog party when I came home, but the cats were only mildly interested.  Return of the human can-opener, etc.  :)As you’ve probably noticed, blogging proved very difficult...

Fabulous day! Flint’s show was a hoot, as always. The event in the afternoon blew me away. My readers are the best! Family dinner here at the hotel with Lee and Marg, the British Columbia cousins, treated us all…brother Jerry had to rush off to the rodeo....

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