Terrible cold!

I’m alive and hanging in there, but off the blog for a few more days I fear.  Taking Colloidal Silver and hoping for the best.  🙂 Prayers appreciated!

Happy Birthday, Mom and Jerry!

There will be celebration.  🙂  Mom is Hazel Bleecker Lael, and Jerry Lael is my favorite (and only) brother.  I love you both. On to a new topic: Today, after listening to the Daily Audio Bible (.com) as is my habit, the usual prayer call-ins from...

A clog in the blog

🙂 I hope none of you have been worrying about me, since I’ve been away from the blog–I am simply putting all my energy into finishing THE MARRIAGE PACT.  I LOVE this book.  Today was Weight Watchers day, but I skipped the meeting to write.  I’m still...

Another belated blog….

I spent the entire day writing, except for a long and fascinating conversation with my new editor, Paula Ekelhoff.   May I say, she is a remarkable woman?  🙂  She recommended several books, which I am currently downloading: “In the Garden of Beasts” by...

Belated Blog

First, here are last week’s contest winners: Judy Cooper and Midge Watkins.  Congratulations, ladies!   I’m doing well on my Simply Filling plan, via Weight Watchers–where has this been all my life?? 🙂  I LOVE it!  I never, ever feel deprived,...

My Favorite Breakfast–and other remarks

I am so loving Weight Watchers’ Simply Filling Plan–just this morning, for instance, I enjoyed my very favorite meal–hash browns cooked in a nonstick pan, with the prescribed two tsps of olive oil (or, as Rachel Ray famously calls it, E.V.O.O.) and...

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