Along with the 10 minute freewriting exercises, which work like a charm, I’m going deeper into the emotions of my characters. That makes for a much richer story, of course, but it’s also difficult at times. It takes longer, too. Throughout my career, I’ve written rapidly, so turning out those pages more slowly trips my guilt-o-meter sometimes–I start “shoulding” on myself. As in, “I should be on chapter such and such by now” or even, “I should be done by now.”
I’m trying to break that habit. 🙂
I’ve been listening to “The Tiger’s Wedding: My Childhood in Exile”, a fascinating memoir by Isla Blair. She and her older sister were born in India, of English parents, back in the days when the sun never set on the British Empire. Papa ran a tea plantation. It was a perfect, if dangerous, world–until they had to go “Home” to England to attend boarding school. Isla was only five years old at the time. Can you imagine?
My recently transplanted plants are thriving. I’ve rescued another one as well. 🙂
Gotta go. Miles to go before I sleep.
Have a wonderful weekend. (Can it possibly be a full week since Jean and I attended the Teesha Moore workshop???)