Good Heavens, It’s Friday Again

Friday, Jul 31

Again, heartfelt thanks for all your sweet words of condolence.  As a friend said, when I sent her a picture of Bernice, “If soul had weight, that pup would be the size of Mongolia.”  So true.  She was a spiritual giant, packed into an 11 pound body.  🙂 
A number of you wrote to say that you, too, had lost a beloved pet, in some cases very recently, in others, a while ago.  If I could hug each and every one of you, I would.  I’m deeply sorry for your loss, and I certainly know how you feel.
Fortunately, I’ve begun to make the shift from sadness to smiling at the multitude of sweet, funny memories of my time with Bernicie.  I don’t feel her around me, as I often do with some other loved ones, but that’s probably because I told her it was okay to go on, and promised we’d see each other again one day.  Knowing what I do about the loyalty of animals, I didn’t want to hold her back by not letting her go.  She’s earned the right to run tirelessly with Sadie, the way she did when they were both puppies.  🙂
On quite another subject, I went to Weight Watchers on Wednesday, and I was down 1.2 pounds.  That was good news, as I’ve been stuck for a while.  I’ve really gotten into moving my body recently–I don’t use the E-word–and I love racking up those Activity Points on my Activelink bracelet.  I’ve just signed up for another challenge, which means the points I need to make 100% will rise, but that’s okay.  I can DO this.  🙂  Weight loss, like so many other things in this life, seems to be more about letting go.
As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I’m so impressed with Dr. David Hawkins’s book by the same title–“Letting Go.” 
All my life, that’s been a struggle for me.  I’m a cowgirl, which means I tend to go after things I want, wrestle them to the ground, and try to hog-tie them before the buzzer goes off.  🙂  Learning to trust that God invariably has a better approach in mind has not been easy, but that’s the upside of being bull-headed, I guess.  I’ll keep on trying until I get it.  🙂
See you Monday, when I’ll be announcing 2 new winners’ names and telling you about my weekend.
Count your blessings.

About Linda

The daughter of a town marshal, Linda Lael Miller is a #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than 100 historical and contemporary novels, most of which reflect her love of the West.

Raised in Northport, Washington, Linda pursued her wanderlust, living in London and Arizona and traveling the world before returning to the state of her birth to settle down on a horse property outside Spokane.

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