I am, as you can see by the time of this posting, an early riser. As of now, I have been up for three hours, most of which were spent writing in my journal and morning pages.
Today, I am off to LA, on Southwest airlines, and my beautiful daughter, Wendy, will be waiting for me when I arrive. We are planning to watch movies, check out the local Sephora store, which is one of our favorite things to do, and even to have some mother-daughter writing time. Wendy is a screenwriter, you see, and though she hasn’t had anything produced yet, mark my words. She will. I can see her name up on that screen, clear as anything. The best part of this time, of course, is Being Together.
I’m taking a hiatus from my stresses and worries (yes, even published writers have them!), and concentrating on staying in the moment and enjoying my many blessings. My daughter is the greatest of these, along with the privilege of doing what I love for a living, having so many friends, some of whom have four legs and fur, and living in a free country. I’m on a first-name basis with God, and I’m growing. I’m learning. I’m stretching. Sometimes, it hurts a little, but it’s all worthwhile.
Like Clare and Tony (five days now), I’m determined to show up, suit up, and play the game with all my heart, no matter how rough it may get. The key is to remember that it IS a game, and that’s hard sometimes, I know. It can be fun and easy, too, this game–if we choose to see it that way. There is enormous power in Vision, and we are always at choice.
I’m choosing joy. I’m choosing faith and courage. What are YOU choosing?
I will be back on this blog on the morning of December 28. Meet me right here, okay? I’ll have a lot to tell you!
In the meantime, Merry Christmas. Relax and enjoy.
May you, and all your loved ones, human and furry, be blessed in all things and in all ways.