That one night, two thousand years ago, a Great Light penetrated the darkness of sin and suffering and sorrow, and changed the fate of humankind forever.
That Jesus of Nazareth was and is this Light, and that all who turn to Him and speak an invitation will be transformed.
That when we “die”, we awaken, as one from a shallow, restless and troubling slumber, and say to Him, “I had the strangest dream…”
That Home is a place where there are no shelters, for human beings or for animals, because shelters are not needed. There is no war, no sickness, no poverty or oppression, deception or abuse.
That we are wanderers here, but not so far from Home as we imagine. Once in a while, in a peaceful moment, I catch a glimpse of the Place, with the eyes of my heart, and I feel hopeful again. I remember that I am a dreamer, in the process of waking up.