You never really appreciate something–in my case, internet service–until you lose it!
Things are perking right along on my part of this glorious planet–I’ve got two varieties of tomatoes and a zuchinni growing in my Tomato Tree, and the pines down in the draw are glowing with the richest, shiniest green imaginable. The lavender has already had to be transplanted once; I think it plans on taking over the whole deck.
I was in bed with a minor flu yesterday–I watched “The Strange Case of Benjamin Button” on my video iPod and really enjoyed it. (I’ll watch Brad Pitt do practically anything.) It’s been a long time since I’ve liked a movie that much.
The plants are flourishing in their pots, and time allowing, I will put my dinner-plate dahlias in the flowerbed, eager to see them make a spectacle of themselves. 🙂
It’s all good.
I’ll be spending time with the Texas McKettricks today–and I’ll be sure to tell them you say hello. 🙂