The weather report: sunshine. (Note to self: enjoy now. Rain on the way. Again.)
The dog report: Sadie is snoozing on her bed nearby. She has consumed her breakfast and given up all hope (she would have me believe) of scoring an extra one. Bernice, the Yorkie, is patrolling the house. She is always alert for an invasion by wild turkeys, various bugs, or whatever. 🙂 Cha-Cha and Jitterbug, the cats, are following Bernice around, just because they adore her and find her endlessly fascinating. She sighs a lot and tries (without much success) to evade them; as far as she’s concerned, the kits are the feline equivalent of the paparazzi.
The horse report: Buck is aging pretty fast, but he’s still eating and still getting around. He can (mostly) keep up with the rest of the herd, and they all defer to him.
The Linda report: Still have a sore throat, but I’m seeing my doctor today. I am definitely ready to feel better.
Maybe by tomorrow.