The sun DID come out “tomorrow”. The draw is awash in spring sunlight as I write this from my ‘ivory tower’–the long needles of the pine trees glimmer with it, shifting and sparkling in a light April breeze.
I am SO close to finishing this book I’ve been working on–“The McKettrick Way”, Silhouette Special Edition, December of this year. It’s a McKettrick book, a follow-up to “Sierra’s Homecoming” and it’s very special to me. But, then, all my books are special to me. When people ask what my favorite is, I always reply, in complete honesty, that it’s the one I’m working on right now. Why? Because I’m so fully engaged with the characters and setting. They become so real to me. If I met Jesse, Rance or Keegan on the street, for example, I would know them instantly.
Out on the front 10, they’ve poured footings for the pillars that will support the barn. Construction goes slowly, but having the fence in really helps to get the vision of what it will all look like in the very near future. Skye, Buck, Coco and Banjo are going to love having all that room to explore and just be horses. After all, that’s their job. And they’re very good at it–especially the eating part. 🙂
One chapter, after this one. I’m on the homestretch. It will be a big relief to send the last chunk to my wonderful, fabulous editor (who has, I’m sure, wings on her feet, secreted under sensible shoes), but I will also mourn a little. Despite revisions, galleys, the whole publishing process, when the manuscript goes in, it’s as if my beloved children have all gone off to college at once.
The mourning phase passes quickly, though, because “The Rustler” is waiting to be written. The characters are already whispering to me…