We’re on a good-weather roll here in Spokane. The sun is summer-bright this morning–hard to believe this is January.
I was feeling rocky yesterday, but I’m better today.
At least, I was, until I tuned in to the news. It’s usually my policy to stay silent on most issues, because convincing you of anything is not the reason I write this blog and surely not the reason you read it. But this one really broke my heart.
Another death related to cyber-bullying? Cruelty of this magnitude astounds me–what possesses people (mostly teenagers, but remember the mother posing as a boy on MySpace?) to be so unspeakably mean?
Like Sam O’Ballivan, in “The Man from Stone Creek”, I cannot abide a bully. The ‘mean girl’ mind-set makes me furious.
I know a lot of young women and not a few young men read my books. Here’s my message to you: If you’re being bullied online, via text, whatever, block the sender. Take a few minutes to cool down. Then tell someone–a parent, a teacher, your minister. Someone. And realize this: There is nothing wrong with you, but there is a LOT wrong with the other person.
You are wonderful, you are unique, and you have a part to play in the world, things to contribute.
The bullies, on the other hand? Let’s just say, I wouldn’t want their karma.