My 60th was wonderful–I received FOUR beautiful bouquets, a photo montage (thanks, Nancy and staff)–all sorts of wonderful things. Best of all, it was a quiet day, spent at home. My one wish for this birthday, you see, was for my daughter Wendy to come for a visit, and that wish came true. All the rest is frosting on the cake. (It was chocolate.)
Today is the second anniversary of my dad’s death, but I am dwelling on all the happy memories, because I know that’s the way he’d want it. Dad lived his life to the fullest, enjoyed his flowers and his friends, and the happy home he and my stepmother, Edith, made together. He wasn’t much for, as he’d put it, ‘crying in your beer’. 🙂
Wendy is still pretty worn down, but on the mend, thank heaven. It’s good to have her here, where mama can look after her. She works too hard and too often puts herself at the bottom of the list. No telling where she got that. 🙂 The antibiotics are kicking in and she’s getting a lot of badly-needed rest.
The weather today is breathtakingly beautiful. Plants and critters are flourishing.
It doesn’t get much better than that.