I am a total doofus when it comes to photography–my very accomplished friend, Cindy, showed me how to improve my pictures, and now I have become a fantatic. I’m behind this morning–I did the usual journaling, devotions, etc.–because I got to printing out copies of my pictures of the Bleecker Cousins’ Reunion and went crazy. A set for me, for my mother, and for Auntie Marian–okay, fair enough. But THEN I got to thinking about the colorful pix I shot in Santa Fe, the ones I want to incorporate into my collage and ATCs. So I printed THOSE out, too.
At least I stopped short of dropping everything and painting each one in watercolor! That’s why I keep my memo book, and I’ve added a sort of glue-in sketchbook, too. That saves me from fixating on an idea to the extent that important things fall by the wayside. Did I mention that I’m compulsively creative? 🙂
Fortunately, I’m that way about my books, too. You are going to LOVE these Creed men!
I know I sure do.