I love it. Just the snores of the beagle snoozing on her bed here in the kitchen–not even the birds are awake yet, it seems. I could get used to this. 🙂
I do have a little guilt where this no-news diet is concerned: I don’t want to hide my head in the sand, pretend the world isn’t out there, stop caring. I just need a breather, and I need not to take every disaster right inside and experience it myself. This, I suppose, is a peril of being a writer–it’s all too easy to imagine every cataclysm in full color, with casts of thousands and devastating sound effects. Nominated for six Oscars. You get the picture, no pun intended.
In my ordinary world, this is a writing day, and that always thrills me. I’m really into “A Lawman’s Christmas” and laying the groundwork for the second book in this series, “A Gunslinger’s Christmas”, coming next year. Of course, the gunslinger is related to the lawman–they’re both McKettricks. 🙂
I’m gearing up to make a batch of my infamous Bouef B, as I call it. It’s not a job for the faint of heart, so it will have to wait until after I finished the book. It sure is tasty stuff, though.
We’re all still here, with lives to live and things to be grateful for, no matter who we are. Celebrate.
And that’s the news.