Phew! I made it!

Monday, May 11

First, our winners: Patrice Tinsley and Marilyn Costich, who will each receive a copy of–wait for it–“The Marriage Season”, nearly two weeks before its official release date.  🙂  Since I’ll be traveling next week, or hope to be, we’re running the contest a little differently this time around.  The rules are the same: two winners will be chosen at random and receive copies of the new book.  The difference is, Jenni will draw the names and notifiy them on Friday instead of Monday, just this once.
Now, about that PHEW!  I’ve been feeling achy for almost ten days now, and I kept thinking it would go away, the pain I mean, but of course it didn’t.  So today I went to the doctor.  A big deal was made; I had a chest x-ray AND an EKG–no sign of significant problems.  (Gratitude Journal Entry #1 for today.)  Still, I feel pretty crummy and my temp was 101.1–not bubonic plague, I know, but the thing is, I never run a fever.  The final diagnosis was pleurisy, for which there is no apparent cure.  Alas.  I have to wait it out, rest and drink fluids, which is pretty much what I already knew, and the main reason I resisted going in for as long as I did.  (Plus, I’m stubborn.  It runs in the Lael family.)
Mother’s Day was great–I hope you all had a happy one as well.  My brother Jerry drove over from Kittitas, WA, picked up Mom at her condo, and they met Wendy, Jeremy and me at our favorite Mother’s Day hangout, the Onion.  Mom was her usual spunky self, sporting a very spiffy pair of turquoise glasses.  🙂  She’s always marched to her own drumbeat, which is one of about a million and one things I love about her.  We definitely missed the other two sibs, Sally and Pam, but they both live pretty far away, Sally in Oregon and Pam on the other side of the state. 
So far so good on the jury-duty front.  I called in tonight and the recording said no jurors were needed.  Another phew.  I take my responsibilities as a citizen very seriously, but I’m not a hundred percent at the moment, physically, anyway.  Also, there are things  I need to do before taking off for Gettysburg next Monday.
More tomorrow.  Stay safe and well.

About Linda

The daughter of a town marshal, Linda Lael Miller is a #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than 100 historical and contemporary novels, most of which reflect her love of the West.

Raised in Northport, Washington, Linda pursued her wanderlust, living in London and Arizona and traveling the world before returning to the state of her birth to settle down on a horse property outside Spokane.

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