So many good things come to us by word-of-mouth. Quinoa, pronounced Keen-Wa according to the box, is one of those things. News to me, though I know a lot of you probably already know about this marvelous grain. It has three or four times as much protein as oatmeal, and some claim it is the original manna mentioned in the Bible. You can do about a million things with the stuff. A health-care professional told me about it–so of course I had to try it.
I’ll be back on the recipe kick again soon, too. Just looking for slim-jeans friendly ones. 🙂
Have you seen the Texas McKettricks and the contest to win a trip to Vegas and attend the National Finals Rodeo? There’s a link in the letter on the main page of this website.
Today is rainy and cloudy, but that’s okay with me. (Fortunate, since the weather does not take orders from yours truly.) We’re in for some beautiful weather next week–high sixties and sunshine! I guess it’s what we used to call Indian summer.
The Lael reunion is this weekend in Colville, and I’ll be attending. It kills me to leave this book, even for a day and a half, but family is family and blood is blood.
You can see Sadie-beagle’s sad-dieter face on my Twitter page.
Have a good weekend.