It’s both sunny and cold in Arizona this morning–cold by Arizona standards, anyway. How I love the sunshine.
I told you about my friend, Althea, in yesterday’s blog. Well, she’s arrived, and we’ve been talking up the proverbial storm. We’ve got great plans for setting our intentions for 2006, getting our visions clarified and in place. We have herbs, and today we’re buying candles. (The new moon begins today, and I like to do nine-day novenas (formal prayers) beginning at this time). Rituals, in themselves, have no power–but they do focus the mind, which does have power. I believe there is a deep human need for ritual, for not just saying our prayers, but acting them out. There is tremendous healing in this. Women are instinctively drawn to ritual–a bubble bath, a walk, journaling–all these things can be prayer. So can reading a book, exploring another world, in the company of characters who dare to do and be all that they can. Tony and Clare are like that–they are bold adventurers, as well as tender lovers. Yes, this too, this losing ourselves in a story, can be a form of prayer.
My prayer for you is that you will find your own unique vision, and lay claim to it. That you will put your roots down deep, and grow into a great tree, sheltering seedlings beneath your generous boughs.
May you be blessed.
Have a wonderful weekend. Set an intention. Light a candle.