I’m being philosophical today. It’s raining. AGAIN.
I’ve decided to see these showers as the blessings they truly are. As one of those wildly fortunate people who don’t have to commute, I certainly have no room to complain. The rain will water the trees and flowers and decrease the fire hazard that is always a consideration for country folks like myself. It will soften the ground, making it easy to dig tomorrow–P-Day! (P is for Planting) Tomorrow I can finally put my zinnias and hydrangeas in the ground. I can load up my tomato thingy and start looking forward to decent tomato and Miracle Whip sandwiches, which I love. The tomatoes in the grocery stores taste like cardboard to anyone raised on the fruits of a good old-fashioned garden.
I have declared this day: COZY. I will light a fire. Between drafting scenes of “Tate”, I will dab paint on my whimsical table, perhaps put a touch of color here and there on a new piece I’ve started. I will drink tea, play with the dogs and cats, and look forward to the four days of beautiful weather the man on TV promised this morning. If I meet my page quota, I might even visit the unfinished furniture store again. After all, what good is a whimsical table without whimsical chairs to match.
Deciding I need a little more twinkle in my life, I ordered a beautiful silk bamboo plant. It is standing in a corner of my bedroom right now, and I plan to string lights on it. I might use the little ‘fairy’ lights, or the larger ones I found at Target.
You just never know with me.
I’m wild and I’m crazy.