Another belated blog….

I spent the entire day writing, except for a long and fascinating conversation with my new editor, Paula Ekelhoff.   May I say, she is a remarkable woman?  🙂  She recommended several books, which I am currently downloading: “In the Garden of Beasts” by...

If at first you don’t win a signed book….

Try, try again.  🙂  There will be a new giveaway every week, beginning on Monday, ending on Friday. This week’s winners are Sandra S. and Mary Adams.  Sandra and Mary, there have been some glitches with Jenni’s computer.  If you have sent your snail mail...

Fall is falling

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating–I LOVE this time of year.  The sun is still shining brightly most days, but it’s cooler, and getting crisp of a morning. I’m inundated with garden vegetables–the tomatoes are ripening and...

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