Autumn has its own special quality of light, doesn’t it? I’m searching for words to describe it, but so far, they elude me. Northern Italy has its own unique brand of light, too, which is why it is so popular with artists, and the same is true of Paris.
Yet another reason why fall is my favorite season.
Early October always brings the Lael Reunion–and I’ll be there for sure, despite another big deadline. This is the only time I see many of my relatives, and our numbers have been dwindling over the past few years. My Aunt Lil, Uncles Jack and Wes, and, of course, my dear dad. He always enjoyed the reunion so much–friends, family, fun and flowers, those were the things that were important to Dad.
Much love to all of you. I must get back to Blue River, where Garrett and Julie are waiting to tell their story. 🙂
Until tomorrow.