I’m off to a slow start today–another one. I’m letting that be okay. I’ll quietly write my chapter and celebrate Sadie’s progress, (she’s celebrating her dog bed at the moment, worn out from yesterday’s exercise session), do a little art work, and call it good.
I continue to be fascinated with all I’m learning about the workings of the human brain. What a miracle! The things we tell ourselves leave literal pathways in the brain, thereby establishing fairly automatic behavior, for good or for ill. I don’t know about you, but I’m determined to carve out better pathways!
We had a little snow this morning, and there is a good possibility of more. THIS time, I’m going to just let it fall, and not try to push it back up into the sky. 🙂 I might even go so far as to actually ENJOY it.
Let it snow.
Or not.