Well, I got up late again, though I did get to spend some precious time with my journal. This is a form of prayer for me, and it never fails to get me on the right track.
The fires continue in the San Diego area, as you know. I encourage you all to pray along with me, and to contribute whatever you can to the appropriate charities. My contribution will be going to the Red Cross, because I think they do wonderful work, but there are certainly other good ones. And here’s an experiment. Instead of sinking into the doldrums, let’s all believe together that those who suffered losses will come out of this stronger and more blessed than ever. Yes, even in a disaster of this magnitude, there can be blessings. Clap your hands if you believe.
I am almost finished with “A McKettrick Christmas”, and I’ve gotta tell you, I LOVE this book. I know, I know. I always say that. But it’s still true. I poured my heart and soul into the story, and it seems like a part of me now. Maybe it always will.
Be blessed.