OK, last night, I bowled in my living room! It’s a big room, but it isn’t THAT big. 🙂 I even won a game, getting three strikes in a row–best of all, it’s good exercise. No boring treadmill, or pedaling nowhere on a stationery bike. I’m eager to start the Wii-fit yoga and tennis.
It’s official. I’m a Nintendo addict. Even after the family wrapped up our evening bowling session, I played Scrabble on my handheld game until I finally HAD to shut off the light and go to sleep.
Wendy continues to recover, though she’s still pretty fragile. While Jeremy, his parents, Sheri and Pat, who are visiting from Port Orchard, and I bowled, she cheered us on from a snuggly bed on the couch. The dogs were fascinated–they couldn’t figure out WHAT in the heck those crazy people were doing. A much better use for a TV set, in any case. Instead of staring at the screen, each in our own little world, we were interacting–laughing, cheering, groaning at the gutter- balls. Doing victory dances when we got a strike or a spare. (I’m a little sore this morning, which is good.)
Tomorrow, I’m off to Northport to speak at the graduation ceremony. Wendy will go along if she feels well enough, but we’re all trying to get her to rest as much as possible.
Have a wonderful weekend.