Noah’s Ark

I hear they might have found Noah’s Ark, at long last. (That would be SO exciting.) Given how much rain we’ve been getting in Spokane this spring, we might need an ark!I’m bundled in the prayer shawl sister Sally made for me a few years ago, and...

Planting Zinnias

You know me and zinnias–I love them. For me, they’re in the same league as peonies and roses, so vibrantly colorful are they. It’s still too early to put seeds directly in the ground, at least as I understand the process, but I’m itching to...

Rain on Strawberry Plants

Yesterday, after working on my new book (YES!), I planted eight strawberry plants in a special pot recommended by my aunt, Billie Wiley. The weather has been spring-like, naturally, this being Spring, changing often. It ranges from glorious sunshine to dreary drizzle,...

A Creed In Stone Creek

Today I start a new book, the story of Steven Creed and Melissa O’Ballivan. The only thing better than starting a new book is finishing a new book. :)I spent the weekend lounging, mostly, and listened to a great new book called, “The Girl Who Chased the...

Strawberry Marauder

This is one of my two kitties, Cha Cha. She’s the imperious one, Miss Attitude. (Can you tell???) She’s been nibbling at the leaves of my baby strawberry plants. Note that bright sunshine pouring in through the window! It’s a glorious day here in...

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