A Good Time Was Had by All

I’m back, as the old saying goes, like a bad penny.  :)I flew over to Seattle on Monday and soon connected with my good friend Debbie Macomber at the beautiful Four Seasons hotel, where we dropped our bags, had a quick lunch, and lit out for...

Better Today

Except for what is probably a touch of stomach flu, I’m much better today.  Yesterday, I wrote a scene in the new book and finally caved in and called it a day.Thanks for lending a cyber-ear–it’s nice to know you’re out there, though I do...

I Still Miss Someone

Maybe it’s the approach of the holidays–which promise to be joyous this year–but I’m sort of teary today.  I miss my beagle-dog, Sadie.I miss my friend Dale, and I miss my dad.Yes, it hurts, but even as I cry, I’m smiling at all the...

Letting It Snow

As if I could make it stop.  🙂  It’s quite beautiful, actually, but I’m not sure people who don’t work at home, as I do, would agree.  Bernice and I did take our walks, wading through the white stuff, on both Saturday and Sunday. ...

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